Sunday 12 July 2015

"Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favourite."

Hi friends! I've had a difficult time getting this whole blog thing started simply because I have so much that I want to share. I've been thinking about it a lot but I haven't been sure how or exactly where to even begin. I figured the best place to start would be to give some background information on how I even ended up living and teaching here in the UK! Most of you already know this story so I'll tell the short version for those of you that don't. After this post, most of my entries will be about teaching here in the UK and lots of other differences I've been experiencing while living here in England. Also, please note that my computer settings are set to spell check for UK English. I'm not spelling things "wrong," just different! :)

Here is my favourite story. The love story of Haydn and ME! :) About six or so years ago (February 5, 2009 to be exact!), Haydn and I met on a social-networking site called "Geeks." It was kind of like Facebook but for people that are into technology and that type of thing. Neither of us were looking for a relationship across the Atlantic Ocean, however, that is exactly what we got! We started out talking through Skype on a daily basis and in November of 2009, Haydn came to visit me in Myrtle Beach for the first time. In the early years of our relationship, I had no idea what to expect. Haydn is AMAZING, however, he does come with some baggage and I didn't really know what that meant for "us." I started visiting England during summer vacations and spring break and he would come visit at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and early summer. On Valentine's Day in 2014, Haydn surprised me by appearing in Myrtle Beach. In a later post I will have to go into details about the proposal. It was perfect! We were married on April 4, 2015. Again, the wedding will have to be a separate post! I finished out the school year, we went on our amazing honeymoon (I will definitely write some posts about that, too!), and here I in England!! It is a crazy adventure and things aren't exactly going how we thought they would, BUT we are finally together. At the end of the day, that is all that matters. :)

1 comment:

  1. Sarah...You have me hooked. Looking forward to more. Tell Haydn hi.
    Brian M.
