This picture is from our first trip to Brighton together. It's at the train station.
I can't take credit for the picture below either. I think that Haydn or one of the boys took it. Great shot of the pier and the "beach." :)
We took the boys to Brighton last year. We visited the Royal Pavilion. It is gorgeous!
Here is Haydn playing some games on the pier with the boys. It's cute. :)
Hopefully we will have time to get there soon to just have a day, however, time is something we don't have a whole lot of right now. The school year here ended yesterday. Today is the restart of my summer vacation! I now have 6 weeks to enjoy, pack, move, organise, visit home, and mentally prepare for adventure of school here that lies ahead. :)
I've been trying not to spend too much money on things for school because I really don't need anything. As teachers, do we really ever NEED anything new? Probably not but it's fun to shop for school anyway! The teachers here were shocked that I would even consider spending my own personal money on anything for school. They are crazy! I've probably spent at least a year's or more salary on things for school!! Yesterday I did make one purchase, well two really. So there is a Costco about 45 min. from here. THANK GOODNESS! I am trying to convert Haydn into a Costco shopper and we are getting there slowly. He doesn't really like the whole buying in bulk thing but we are going to figure it out. He thinks I must have Kirkland stamped somewhere on my body! It's hilarious. He also asked if there were bags when we were checking out. No Haydn, no bags at Costco*!! :) He's learning the Costco way. He'll figure it out soon enough! Anyway, I purchased a huge map poster that I want to hang in my classroom. I want to be able to have some sort of visual of where I'm from and where we live now for the kids to see. I think it will be fun. It was only £5. From Costco I also found this adorable alphabet rug that I will definitely be able to use. I love it. I will for sure post pictures of my classroom once I get to that point!
*On a side note about plastic bags...one thing I love about this country is that they really encourage people to reuse bags. Lots of stores will charge a small fee if you do not bring your own bags of some sort. Most sell reusable bags. I'm trying to be better about that! I always forget to bring them when heading out to the store.
My adventure today will begin at the bank. It's bizarre but you can't just walk into the bank and create an account. You need to set up an interview appointment and they are apparently very busy. I've been waiting for my appointment for over 2 weeks now! I'll be glad to have that sorted. I will also be sending out my paperwork for the FBI check and heading to my new favourite zumba class tonight at the gym. I can't wait for that! I also need to do laundry. Here is the situation with laundry. A lot of places in England do not have tumble dryers. Most people hang laundry on the line out in the yard. We do not have a dryer or a yard in our current place. All of our laundry gets hung to dry on a rack in our living room. :) I thought about posting a picture, however, I decided against it. It's too chaotic right now. Our new place will have a yard AND a tumble dryer...YAY!! I don't mind air drying clothes but it takes up a lot of space and means a lot of ironing needs to happen. I do not love to iron. Anyway, have a great day! Cheerio! :)
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