Monday 20 July 2015

"If I had a British accent, I'd never shut up."

A British accent never gets old. I love to hear it. While I most likely will never have one, I am definitely learning new words and phrases all the time. When I moved from New York to South Carolina (a lot of years ago), I did lose a lot of my New York accent and gained some "southern speak." I may have even used the word "y'all" a time or two, :)  The other day while at school, a boy came up to me and asked me to help him fix his yo-yo. He asked me to get the "sellotape." I must have asked him to repeat himself like 5 times before I finally suggested that he ask mum and dad to help him with it at home! HA! Simple brand names are totally different. Haydn and I make fun of each other all the time for the way we say different things. It is very funny and I guess I just never thought about all the little things before. I figured I'd share some with you because it is quite interesting and plus this way you'll be able to understand me whenever we talk next! :)  Here is a list of some of the ones I've come across so far.

Windex = Windolene
Gatorade = Lucozade
Scotch Tape = Sellotape
Tylenol = Paracetamol
Wal-Mart = ASDA
pub = bar (duh!) *Just a side note about this...when someone asks you to "go for a quick pint after work" it's a lie. There is no such thing as a "quick pint!" :)
vacation = holiday
thank you = ta
tired = knackered
Mr. Clean products = Flash (SO NOT THE SAME!)
Lay's chips = Walkers (yuck!)
Oikos yoghurt = Oykos yoghurt
sunscreen = sun cream (As soon as the sun peaks out from the clouds a tiny bit, people are lathering up! It's hilarious!)
salad dressing = salad cream
cookies = biscuits
CVS/Rite Aide = Boots or Superdrug
Cell phone companies = EE, O2, Vodafone
trousers = pants
sweater/jacket = jumper
sneakers = trainers
robe = dressing gown
diaper = nappy
bathing suit = swimming costume
friend = mate
janitor = caretaker
eraser = rubber
math = maths
fooling around = mucking about
cross walk = zebra crossing
crossing guard = lollipop man/woman
truck = lorry
dumpster = skip
car hood = bonnet
pharmacy = chemist (You have to see the chemist if you want products like rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide!)
doctor's office = surgery
emergency room = A & E (Accidents and Emergencies)
cupcakes = fairy cakes
zucchini = courgette
chips = crisps
fries = chips
baked potato = jacket potato
roll = bap
bathroom = loo
closet = wardrobe
crazy person = nutter
flashlight = torch
band-aid = plaster (I need to practise this one!!)
standing in a line = queue
bucks = quid (when referring to money) $10 would be 10 bucks or 10 quid!! Weird!!
nap = kip
lady bug = lady bird
insects = mini beasts
hello = hiya
How are you? = Are you alright?
agg = aggravation
drizzling rain = spitting rain
mouth = gob

I'm sure there are tons more but this is a good start to show you how different things can be! :)

Thankfully a lot of products are the same. Most hygiene products and make-ups are the same brand names I am used to. I can find any soap, shampoo, conditioner, etc. that I'm used to. I did realise that even though it has the same exact brand name and it may look like the same product, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's the same stuff I'm used to. I always use this Clean & Clear face wash. I ran out so I wanted to find something similar. Surprisingly I found the exact same thing, same name and packaging. The face wash itself isn't actually the same. Different texture and smell. Also, I eat Special K for breakfast. Different taste and a little bit of a different look to the actual cereal. Not a huge deal but I thought it was interesting.

There are definitely A LOT of things that I can't find. I'd love a decent protein shake or protein bar but I'm not having luck finding anything like that. There aren't a lot of options. The peanut butter isn't smooth and creamy and I'd really like some instant rice. There are zillions of rice options, however, I don't understand the difference between all of them so it's easier to just not buy it! I'd also love a bigger variety of low fat or fat free salad dressings. It's impossible to find anything like this!

I'm also learning different systems of measurement. I need to learn temperature in Celsius. For the gym, I really need to learn the difference between Kilogrammes and Pounds. Everything here is measured in Kilos. When people talk about losing weight they say they've lost stones, which are rocks so it's weird to me! :) Pounds are a money term here. I think I have a good grasp of the difference in money! Gas prices are measured in litres and no one calls it gas, it's petrol. Here is a picture of what the gas prices look like. Your guess is as good as mine as to what it actually means. I may never know!

With all of this being said, I promise that I'm not complaining! I'm just sharing the differences that I think are interesting and keeping you informed for when you come visit us! :)  Cheerio!!!

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