Monday 13 July 2015

"Nothing is impossible to a determined woman."

Moving isn't an easy task. It's hard enough to move down the street or to a different state, let alone A DIFFERENT COUNTRY!! Haydn and I have spent a small fortune, filled out ridiculous amounts of paperwork, and driven all over creation for things and we still aren't completely settled yet. Right now it's a waiting game for little things to be finished up and once I receive one thing, it will be like a domino effect and everything else can be completed, too.

After our wedding, I needed to get my name changed on everything (license, passport, SS card, bank account, etc.) immediately so that it would match with the information on my visa application. The visa, which cost us THOUSANDS, needed to be right the first time. If for any reason something was incorrect we would have had to resubmit it and pay the fees all over again. For the visa, Haydn actually needed to provide more information that I did! He had to include all sorts of financial information (personal and business) for like the last 10 years or something ridiculous like that! It all needed to be in a specific order. If something was out of order...DENIED. We thought it would be best to find someone to help us. Immigration lawyers are super expensive. We ended up finding someone WONDERFUL that used to work for UK immigration where her job was to basically approve or deny visas for years. She was very reasonably priced, reliable, and extremely helpful. It was worth every penny by having her help us and tell us exactly what we needed to include. 

Before our wedding, I had already started looking at teaching jobs that were available. I knew it was a long shot but I applied for several any way. I updated my resume (called a CV here) and wrote a new cover letter explaining my situation, only to find out that schools here would prefer that you don't even include your CV when applying. Every school had a different application and it took hours to complete since not all of the terminology and things were the same as we use in the US. One application was even 12 pages long! Most of them were asking about HIGH SCHOOL information. I've been teaching for NINE YEARS. It seemed a bit ridiculous and it caused me lots of stress. At the time, I didn't even have my visa stating I could work in the UK yet so I didn't hear back from any of the schools but one saying that I hadn't made the next round. I wasn't surprised and didn't have time to worry about it because it was just about wedding time. Once the wedding was over, things were crazy at school, I was stressed with packing things and I just kind of put off the whole looking for a job thing for a bit. Once school was over, I did look for and apply for several more jobs. I figured it would be best to do before Haydn got there and we left for our honeymoon. 

I knew I had a better chance this time around because I had my visa and an actual date of travel for when I'd be available to come in. One school was interested and contacted some of my references. I think they were a little put off at the fact that I wouldn't be there for a few more weeks in order to go in right away and teach a lesson, which is understandable. Things didn't work out there BUT while on honeymoon I got an email from a different school. The closing date for applications was still a couple weeks away so I was surprised to hear something so soon. They knew about my situation and that I wouldn't be in the UK for awhile. They did not know that I was on honeymoon in Hawaii (11 hour time difference rather than just 5!). They asked if I could be available for an interview via Skype at some point that week. We agreed on Friday. It would be 10:30 AM Friday for them, 11:30 PM Thursday night for me. I was SO NERVOUS. I emailed the person doing the interview (the executive head) asking if there was anything I should have prepared. He gave me some questions to think about and while riding around in our Mustang convertible that evening on the way to a luau, I practised my answers with Haydn! 

We got back from the luau around 10ish. I took a shower and then put on the most "teachery" outfit I could find. Basically, it just needed to be something that wasn't a tropical Hawaiian dress and thankfully I had something! Let's face it...the Hawaiian stuff is cute, however, NOT for a job interview! :)

 I was expecting the interview to last a good 30 min. or so. I made Haydn go wander the hotel because that would have made me even more nervous if he was in the room. The interview went great. The executive head was super nice and easy to talk to. It was very laid back and I felt very comfortable. I don't give myself enough credit for all of the experience I have. I know how to teach!! I don't know what I thought he was going to ask me but it was fine. He basically explained to me that the school is going through a lot of changes (YAY for that because I AM TOO!). New executive head teacher, new head teacher, loads of construction, and the addition of a 3rd reception class (the job I was interviewing for). I guess they have had 2 reception classes for basically ever and enrolment has gone up, hence the new class. I was offered the job and of course accepted it right away! He said that anyone who is willing to have an interview via Skype at 11:30  at night on their honeymoon shows a lot of determination and they would be happy to have me! It really is the perfect scenario. Since the school is going through so many changes, I won't feel so completely out of place. Yes there are lots of things that I will need to learn and get used to, however, everyone will be in the same boat for a lot of it. I am thrilled! 

Reception is basically child development or pre-school. The children are 4 going on 5. I'm glad they are still in school because I have been taking full advantage of spending lots of time observing in the reception rooms. The curriculum is basically the same as what we did in Kindergarten in regards to ELA (not as intense in the writing since they are younger) and Math. There is A LOT of learning through play which is AMAZING and something that I am so excited about. The other two reception teachers are great and have been so helpful in answering all of my questions. This summer, the reception rooms are going through a major overhaul. They are adding the 3rd room for the new class and revamping EVERYTHING. New furniture, flooring, walls...AMAZING! They have a really great "free-flow" system where the students can basically go from room to room or even outside to choose whatever it is they feel like doing during that part of the day. I love the "free-flow" idea. The students were all completely engaged and focused on whatever it is they were doing and all play truly is centred around learning objectives. I will write more about our daily schedule soon! Here is a quick photo I took outside the other day. It's just a small part of the outside area, but it's great. The kids were looking for "mini beasts" (also known as insects!) and collecting vegetables from their garden!

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